Let's Help Each Other Out!

This is a place for creative writing teachers to share idea to be come better teachers.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Make Your Students Teach

I am the only one who likes doing oral reports in creative writing classes?

I have them do them in groups on a poet, and their job is to use the poet to teach the class something about writing.  This is hard for them to do, and makes them think independently. I don't let them repeat anything I've already taught them in class.

The writer ain't a lone cowhand no more. Working in groups teaches them get-along skills, so maybe they can get along with agents and publishers better than I have!  Writers make sometimes more money doing readings than from royalties, so they need to get used to performing in front of a group.

I tell them that if they aren't doing the best of jobs, I will challenge them and ask questions, hopefully to get them to think on their feet and do better with the oral report.  My students--many of them--have trouble with that kind of pressure. A former high school football player did well yesterday with my questions. Last year, one student ran out of the room.

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